Clutec Technology Recycling’s ITAD Program

What Is IT Asset Disposition?

IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) is the practice of properly decommissioning and disposing of hardware and electronic devices while also generating a monetary return for the equipment owner.  As organizations continually upgrade their technology infrastructure, managing the end-of-life process for IT assets becomes critical. ITAD ensures that these assets are handled securely, responsibly, and in an environmentally compliant manner.

Key Components of ITAD

Logistics and Accounting: Identify all IT assets  for transparency and tracking throughout the process.

Data Sanitization: Ensure that sensitive data is permanently removed from storage devices through logical sanitization and/or physical destruction.

Reuse and Resale: Functional devices are refurbished and remarketed, extending their lifecycle and reducing e-waste.

Recycling: Non-functional devices are recycled to recover valuable raw materials to create new devices.

Certification and Payout: Certificates of Recycling and Data Sanitization are provided for auditing purposes.  Payout is made to the equipment owner based on the entered into agreement.

ITAD Program Requirements

There are some minumum requirements to qualify for Clutec Technology Recycling’s ITAD program.  These are usually based on company size and number of devices to be entered into the program.  Contact us to discuss if your company meets the requirements for the program.  If your company does not meet the requirements, we may still have options for you.